Hyaena Season

hyaena-season-coverThe poems of Hyaena Season examine, with narrative and lyric intensity, the intimacies of a wide range of human experience from the killing grounds of Rwanda and DR Congo, to more familiar Canadian settings. But no matter the topics – whether memories of parents, children, lovers or the even more challenging stories of physical and emotional conflict at home or away, the focus is intensely personal.

“… each poem a fiction of wonder, each poem a page in the story of a man.”
Patrick Lane

“This is what a book should do: turn us around inside our own skin.”
– Anne Simpson

“‘A poem has its own mind,’ writes Richard Osler, and Osler speaks from within the poem’s mind, where, from war to its aftermath, from all the broken places and the struggle for entente within and without, Osler is ‘the foreigner, the traveller who knocks,’ who asks, ‘Is there a true song that doesn’t know a cage?’ ‘When love is not enough,’ there is poetry – to gather, to speak the words which will open the cage. And this, this is what Osler does.”
– Pamela Porter

Reviews of Hyaena Season

Richard’s Appearances for Hyaena Season

September 29 – Ottawa – Pressed, 750 Gladstone Ave. 7 PM

October 4 – Toronto – Art Bar Series, The Free Times Cafe (College/Spadina) 8 PM

October 5 – Toronto – Quattro Books Launch at Supermarket Restaurant 7 PM

October 16New Westminster – Poetic Justice. Boston Pizza (the party room), 1045 Columbia St. NOTE TIME CHANGE: 11:30 AM (See Poster below)

October 20Vancouver – Vancouver Public Library,Host: Allan Briesmaster. Room tba. 350 West Georgia St., 7 PM Doors open at 6:30. (See Poster below)

October 21Victoria – Reading at Planet Earth Poetry Series, host: Daniel Scott. Hillside Coffee and Tea, 1633 Hillside Ave. 7 PM

October 27Vancouver – Reading at Twisted Poets for Pandora’s Collective. Host: Bonnie Nish. Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main St. 7PM

November 16thHouston – Talk and Reading At Palmer Episcopal Church

November 17thLake Jackson, Texas – Reading at the Lake Jackson Public Library, Lake Jackson, Texas, 7 PM

November 22ndCalgary – Reading at the Memorial Public Library – 6:30 PM

Seven readings behind me! And one more in Vancouver at the Cottage Bistro on Main street on Thursday, October 27th hosted by Pandora’s Collective. Had a great turnout on Friday, October 21st, at Hillside Coffee and Tea hosted by Daniel Scott and Planet Earth Poetry. It was a privilege to share the stage once again, with Susan McCaslin much-awarded Canadian poet. Thanks to her poems on Paul Cezanne in her book of poems about him, he has become a multi-dimensional figure for me! More like an old friend I hang out with poem after poem. Also, I so enjoyed hearing so many accomplished poets at the Open Mic: Pamela Porter, Barbara Pelman, Dvora Levin, Daniel Scott and Christopher Levenson and some wonderful younger voices. An an El Salvadorean refugee who had to find sanctuary for two years in a B.C. church before being allowed to stay. His words on weakness causing strength and strength bringing weakness!


January 15New Westminster – Reading at Poetry New West. Host and organizer Alan Hill.

JanuaryNanaimo – Reading at Wordstorm





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