Tag Archives: A Mouthful of Home

Touch the Pencil First – Guest Poetry Blog #27 – Introducing the Latest Contributor, Ghanaian Poet and Fiction and Non-Fiction Writer Tryphena Yeboah – Part One of Two

GENESIS I listen for a sound, a voice, a whispered word swept in by the wind to get me from here to there— where the page before me becomes more […]

Joy Is Something You Can Wear – Two Poems by Ghanaian Poet Tryphena Yeboah and a Poem and Quotes by American Poet Ross Gay

I SING THEREFORE WE SING I need you to understand: my joy is something you can wear, too. Throw it over your head like a blessing bestowed, keep it wrapped […]

Moved By The Shape of Scars – A Poem and a Chapbook by Ghanaian Writer and Poet Tryphena Yeboah

MY BODY, HAVING LEARNED RESURRECTION The day ripens on my face. The opening of my eyes is the plucking of stars and I want to keep the glistening thing forever […]