A New Book by Randy Lundy and a Reminder of my Italian Poetry Retreat This October

Indigenous Canadian poet Randy Lundy


Buds on the mountain ash this spring
a green paler than you have ever seen.

Sunlight, blackbird singing.
What more could you ask friend?

Pilgrim, what more?

Randy Lundy from Blackbird Song, University of Regina Press, 2018

Found this big little poem in a new collection (his third) by Canadian poet Randy Lundy. His break-out collection one Canadian poet has said. And noted American poet Jane Hirschfield has this to say in a comment featured on the front cover: Here is a poet of whom one can say – quietly, simply, without qualification – that highest of praises: the real thing.

What a poem of presence his poem ANOTHER SEASON. A reminder than at any given moment we have all we need. And a reminder that we are pilgrims on this journey through the world. And the poem also reminded me of the poetry pilgrimage I will leading in Italy in October. A time to see with new eyes. The kind of eyes that helped Lundy see and write his poem! There are spaces still available for the retreat! Details below.


“Catching Fire – Writing En Plein Air”


 A Generative Poetry Writing Retreat in Italy

Oct. 4th to 14th, 2018

with Richard Osler

experienced poetry facilitator and author of Hyaena Season

I write from habit, not because I am on fire These words of celebrated Italian Renaissance poet Vittoria Colonna, close friend of Michelangelo, strike to the heart of this ten day poetry retreat. Please join me this Fall in Umbria for a life-changing poetry-writing experience: Break old habits. Catch fire.

What better place than Italy, at La Romita School of Art in Umbria (click here for the La Romita website) and at many other inspiring locations in Umbria and Tuscany, to bust out of old habits, old stories and  stand in the light from the blaze of your own new words.

En plein air, Cathie and Jodi writing in Umbria, 2017

The structured writing sessions, many in situ, or as artists say en plein air, at places we visit will be inspired by handouts based on meditations on craft, specific creative prompts and the poems of master poets such as Lorna Crozier, Ocean Vuong, Rosemary Griebel, David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Patrick Lane, Frank O’Hara, Jan Zwicky, Roger Reeves, Sara Eliza Johnson,  Ishion Hutchinson, Wislawa Szymborska, Derek Walcott, Vittoria Colonna, James Wright, Ulrikka Gernes , Charles Wright, Heather McHugh and many others.

Fur further details please click here for Richard’s website or here for the Catching Fire page on the La Romita website.


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